Archive for the Category » plants «

Sunday, May 12th, 2013 | Author:

Our site updates have been notable by their absence so far this year, but here’s a reminder of the view over the mere.

This photo taken in April, (and really is only a ten minute walk from the city centre!) ……..















and a colourful creature that only the most tolerant gardener would like to see …..










… a vine weevil on the stalk of our spring flowering fritillary…






















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Sunday, December 16th, 2012 | Author:

Early morning hoarfrost after a very cold night!


and one of our volunteers, wildlife photographer Luke Massey,  has included this photo of a heron on our site in his calendar for 2013 ….

For  more information and to see more of his excellent photographs, go to Luke’s website:  

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Thursday, November 17th, 2011 | Author:

Thursday November 17th


and the marsh marigold is in flower.


Normally the first sign of spring, the continuing mild weather is responsible for the appearance of these yellow flowers in the mere.

and a recent contribution from Derrick Davies …..

‘you can’t blame it on the wasps’


these colourful and noisy creatures are becoming regular visitors. Love ’em or loath ’em…?


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Tuesday, October 04th, 2011 | Author:

Common English Alder – alnus glutinosa

male (the long thin ones) and female catkins on the recently planted trees….


and whirligig beetles (gyrinidae) in the boggy area:



….. alarm these little chaps and they swim around rapidly in circles, click  whirligig below for live action!



Sunday, March 06th, 2011 | Author:

mallard starting to get in the mood for spring  …… the daffodil have appeared …..


a heron makes a fly-past ….


and the mallard takes a dive….

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Saturday, July 04th, 2009 | Author:


sounds pleasant, but is a foul smelling algae.

We seem to get it every year, but this year it is turning nasty.
What else can you expect when temperatures reach the thirties?

I was prompted to include this as there was a BBC report on it’s dangers just today.
Basically, don’t go near it.
Jack and myself were wondering if some sort of analysis could be done, good old BBC.

It starts off green, then turns black and nasty (and smelly), the flies love it.
Also there seem to be purple bits too.

Category: plants  | Leave a Comment
Thursday, April 30th, 2009 | Author:


The sightings board is revealing lots of Spring activity




Lots of bluebells and whitebells (ok, I made it up) in the shady place

moorhen chicks – (actually you don’t seem to pronounce it correctly – I pronounce it ‘myrrhhen)’ . The mother was discretely furtive with them, generally managing just to obscure them from my view (hence bad photo) 



Thursday, April 09th, 2009 | Author:

Category: plants  | Comments off
Sunday, February 15th, 2009 | Author:

snowdrops that is.

here is a picture taken before the recent snowfall.

I looked at the spot where the snowdrops stood during the snow, and all there was to see, was . .
. . snow, indeed, they must have been squashed by the weight.

Once the snow had cleared, what do we see?
You guessed it, snowdrops, seemingly little troubled by the conditions.

caught the song thrush again, so nice to see, and hear of course.

recently blue tits have been showing signs of interest in the nestboxes, I backed away from them to avoid interrupting them at this critical point in their year.

showing well, a blackbird

a robin, always charming, picking up seeds under the feeders.

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Tuesday, April 01st, 2008 | Author:

Sunday 30.03.08
the newly planted butterfly meadow area next to the hide,
has proved itself a success, so early in the year too.

comma perched on “honesty”

comma perched on a perenniel wallflower

peacock sunbathing on a stone

fritillaries appear again.
how long will they last this year??

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