Saturday, January 06th, 2007 | Author:

Wildlife report
There is not much noticeable at this time of year but the bats were still in evidence in November but are probably hibernating now. The Mallard population seems to be staying at the same level (between 15 -20 birds). A Sparrowhawk is sighted regularly, along with Great Spotted Woodpeckers (who are doing a great deal of damage to one of the old pollarded willow trees). Sheila has seen a Redpoll twice but no Redwings at all this year. Still, it is early days yet. There seem to be quite a lot of cats in the area which, unfortunately will take out the bank voles, etc, but they may also help keep down the rat population, so they are a mixed blessing!

A single Marsh Marigold flowered on Xmas Eve (or was first noticed then!). This must be a record. Some of the trees are in bud – it seems as if they have only just lost their leaves.

Category: bats, birds, mammals, news, plants
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