Sunday, April 15th, 2012 | Author:


A view of the River Ver now the hedge has been laid.

Make the most of it! Recent showers have had  no effect on the continuing fall in water level.

On the subject of our local chalk stream, a new book has been announced ……

The River Ver –  A Meander through Time

 by Jacqui Banfield-Taylor



This first major and comprehensive work on the River Ver
reveals a fascinating story from source to confluence and prehistory to the
twenty-first century of a chalk stream that has shaped not only the local
landscape but the lives of people past and present.

With a forward by the renowned television presenter and
wildlife photographer Chris Packham of Spring/Autumn Watch fame, the book tells
of the Ver’s long, interesting and chequered history, including archaeology and
geology, milling and watercress growing, problems with abstraction along with
rainfall and aquifer records, abstraction and flow charts and comprehensive
records and details of a selection of local flora and fauna.

There are wonderful personal memories and experiences
sprinkled throughout the book of people who have lived, worked and played on or
near the river, helping to bring the past to us here in the present, all
complemented with over 300 illustrations, many never seen before in public and
some going back more than 250 years.

The River Ver, A Meander through Time, makes it clear how
valuable and important our chalk streams are and how vital it is to raise their
profile and that of the rich diversity of wildlife they support. This
beautifully written and illustrated book hopes to encourage readers to take an
interest in exploring and caring for this superlative resource and its
surroundings and help to give the River Ver its rightful importance now and for
future generations.

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