Apple Day 2000

Apple Day is a national festival started by Common Ground in 1990 which aims to increase awareness of vanishing orchards and with them local varieties of apples. It continues to increase in popularity throughout the country and for the second year St Albans held an Apple Day market on October 22nd.

A view down the marketA view of the market, click on picture for an enlarged view.

The WWA had a stall at the event featuring apple related themes from the site. Andy Webb had picked apples from some of the trees in our Orchard and these were presented in baskets. The featured apples included Lanes Prince Albert (cooker), Norfolk Royal (dessert) and Golden Hornet (crab apple). We were giving these apples away free although many people chose to make a donation in return for the apples. The leftovers were given to Bob the carthorse who had been present at the event!

The WWA stallThe WWA stall, click on picture for an enlarged view.

Additionally we were selling produce from the site - honey from our bees and jams and jellies made from the apples, including Apple and Ginger Jam, Crab Apple Jelly and Apple and Mint Jelly. Our thanks to Margery Hyde and Derryn Borley for making the jars of jam - hundreds of them! The event was a success and the display on our stall attracted many people, some of whom had heard about us and others who now say they will visit the site.

The WWA stallAnother picture of the WWA stall, click on picture for an enlarged view.

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